Green Tomato Dills
firm green tomatoes
green peppers
garlic cloves
dill sprigs
chiles or other peppers (optional)
Depending on amount desired,
for every 2 qts water, use:
                    1 qt vinegar
                    3/4 C salt
Leave smallest tomatoes whole.  Cut larger tomatoes in half or in wedges.  Slice celery into 3 or 4 inch sticks (do not cut length-wise).  Cut peppers into quarters.  Remove seeds.  For medium-size peppers, cut across quarters to divide in half;  divide larger peppers into more pieces.  Cut up any other peppers desired.
Pack empty 1 or 2-quart canning jars with mixture of vegetables (proportions to taste).  For each quart, include about 3 sprigs dry dill (NOT absolutely fresh), and 2 medium or 1 large clove garlic.  Fill to base of jar neck.
Boil water, vinegar, and salt, for 5 minutes.  Pour over other ingredients, filling jar completely, and seal immediately.  Use one-piece zinc canning lids and rubber rings -- NOT two-piece lids.
Ready to use in 4-6 weeks.  Will keep for years, but tomatoes may eventually soften.
Questions?       Phone 319-752-0759.
NOTE: This seems to be what Mom actually DOES, but until now, these precise instructions were not written down.  A web site exclusive!  (Thanks to my brother Bob for requesting this information.)